Quantum Technologies

Learn in practice on quantum technologists.

Speaker 1

Quantum Technologies

World, national and NTROPIQ initiatives

In this lecture we will present the main quantum technologies of the second generation and the great world players, both governmental and private companies. We will then discuss some public initiatives here in Brazil, in particular one linked to the State of São Paulo, which aims to implement a quantum technology program with FAPESP, which has the potential to be extended to all of Brazil. Finally we will detail the quantum initiative led by the Von Braun Center, NTropiQ, which already brings together numerous researchers, engineers and business professionals, as well as several international partnerships of both research centers and companies linked to quantum, such as AQT (Innsbruck), IBM, Kipu Quantum (Berlin), Sekure (Santiago).

Quantum Computing

Challenges and Opportunities

Quantum computing has stood out for being a highly disruptive technology. There are already concept evidence that show that certain problems can be resolved much more efficiently on quantum computers than in classic computers or that are possible to solve problems on quantum devices that insoluble even in the largest supercomputers ever built or projected. However, for such a technology to come true, we still need to build computers with a large number of quibits and very high quality, something that is still far away. In this presentation we will then discuss the basic principles of quantum computing, applications and large bottlenecks, both theoretical and experimental, seeking to make it clear why we are still so far from universal quantum computers capable of solving real and efficiently problem, even leading to In fact the different types of hardware investigated around the world. On the other hand, although universal computers are distant, there are alternative hardware, to solve specific problems with real gains that have more promising prospects in the near future.

Hands-on Workshop

How to Implement Cloud based Algorithms

We will show in detail how to implement cloud based algorithms, that is, how to implement quantum algorithms on IBM using the Qiskit platform. It is universal computing, based on quantum logical doors. We will then show you how to implement a quantum algorithm, such as "Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm" (QAOA), very useful for solving optimization problems.

Quantum Communication

From Single Photons to the Quantum Teleportation Protocol

With the advent of quantum computers, many encryption protocols may be obsolete. However, quantum theory itself also guarantees us means of communicating between two parts absolutely safely. This is possible because: 1) Quantum overlap states, which can be immediately destroyed if someone tries to measure them, thus easily detecting the presence of spies in communication channels. Based on these states, Bennett and Brassard proposed, in 1984, a protocol for quantum distribution of cryptographic keys, now known as BB84. It is also possible to use 2) tangled states to communicate between two parts, without the need for direct sending of the information to be communicated. This is possible thanks to the Quantum States Teleport Protocol, proposed by an IBM team in 1993. In this lecture we will expose the teleportation protocols and the BB84 and show how we can implement them using sources of indivual photons, how it is done in the laboratories of the UFMG, partner of the Von Braun Center in the development of a quantum distribution device of cryptographic keys.